

2904 E. McCormick Drive, Milton, WI 53563

This location has 64 storage units. Sizes range from 5'x10' up to 10'x25'. All storage units have easy roll-up doors and concrete floors. Driveways are blacktopped and pitched away from the units to keep them dry. These storage units are not climate controlled.

Unit sizes:
5'x10' & 10'10' - These economical units are the equivalent of adding a large closet to your home or apartment. Store seasonal items, bikes, or you can fit 1 room of furniture during a remodel.
10'x20' & 10'x25' - This is about the size of a 1-car garage and can fit most the the contents of an apartment, small house, or most standard size vehicles or “toys,” like a fishing boat, camper, snowmobile or a 4-wheeler . Some of these units have very tall ceilings so they will fit a lot more items stacked high or stood on end. Tons of space!

Current Availability:
We have very limited availability. Call to see if we have one that will work for you!

Motorhome size units - Unfortunately, we do not have any large units available at this time and we do not offer outdoor storage.
